Yogmata’s Profile

- Yogmata
Keiko Aikawa - The First Female Siddha Master, Himalayan Great Saint
Born Yamanashi, Japan, 1945, Yogmata Keiko Aikawa has been interested in and practiced yoga, meditation and health regimens since her teenage. Becoming a yoga instructor, she held classes in many culture centers and actively taught asana yoga to thousands of students.
At age 38, Yogmata first met Pilot Babaji, a prominent yoga and meditation master, who had visited Japan for a television program, and following which, he invited her for training in the Himalayas. Yogmata then traveled to the Himalayas and underwent authentic yoga training for the path to enlightenment, eventually achieving Samadhi, the supreme state of yoga and meditation.
Since 1991, Yogmata has now performed Public Samadhi, which is renowned as proof of enlightenment, 18 times in India, to promote world peace. And has received admiration from all over India.
Currently, Yogmata travels the world to guide people to truly essential living through giving lectures and teaching on meditation.
In 2016, Yogmata gave a speech, as a guest of honor, at the International Yoga Day event held at the United Nations HQ, upon the request of the Indian government.
In October 2016 and May 2017, she presented keynote lectures and taught meditation for Peace at events held in United Nations.
She is also renowned as an author and has sold over 800,000 books in total.

What is “Yogmata”
Yogmata means “Mother of Yoga” “Mother of Universe.” It is honorific title bestowed by the World Develop Parliament, a world representative yoga and meditation organization of the Indian government. Yogmata was commended by them under the name of Yogmata Keiko Aikawa on 18th November 1991.
History of Yogmata Keiko Aikawa
- 10’s
- Encountering Yoga
Yogmata was a child with an inquisitive mind and started practicing her interest in various health regimens and natural foods when she was just 16.
- 20’s
- Spreading Aikawa Yoga in Japan

In 1972, she developed a comprehensive yoga “Aikawa Yoga” and founded Aikawa Keiko Holistic Yoga and Health Association.
She has held and supervised yoga classes in major culture centers at more than 50 locations around Japan, for over 40 years. She also invented “PraNadi Yoga” and “Yoga Dance”
She also studied in India, Tibet and China to deepen her own training. And traveled every year, in particular to India, to train in authentic yoga at various ashrams.
- 30’s
- Encountering with Himalayan Great Saint

While still visiting India, Yogmata also pursued her study and research in various therapies and healings in America.
Then in November 1984, a TV station invited Pilot Babaji to participate in a TV program and, at that time, they asked Yogmata to support. It was a life changing encounter for her.
- 40’s
- Achievement of Samadhi, the Supreme Enlightenment

n 1986, Yogmata visited the Himalayas at Pilot Babaji’s invitation. And this led her to her master Hari Babaji, the legendary Himalayan Great Saint.
And following harsh ascetic training, she achieved Samadhi, the supreme state of meditation.
She was bestowed the honorific titles “Siddha Master” and “Yogmata” by the Indian government and association of ?????
- Topic
- Public Samadhi, Proof of Truth at Risk of Her Life
In February 1991, Yogmata conducted her first pubic Samadhi. Subsequently, she repeated this feat 18 times in India until 2007, for world peace and proof of truth.
The Public Samadhi, Yogmata conducted, is called “Underground Samadhi” in which she stays in a completely sealed underground pit for 72-96 hours and becomes a state of oneness.
This is the highest level of training among many yoga trainings, and considered as proof of true enlightenment since ancient times.
Yogmata descends the ladder into an underground pit Remained in a state of Samadhi for 3-4 days without food or drink. As the pit is completely sealed, Yogmata is unable to exit the pit by herself. Crowds swarmed to receive blessing from Yogmata after her achievement of Public Samadhi
Starting in 1991, Yogmata performed Public Samadhi for world peace almost every year, and in January 2007, she completed her mission of Public Samadhi by achieving her 18th.
The 14th Public Samadhi was filmed for a documentary “Short Cut To Nirvana”, which received the Audience Award at the Sedona International Film Festival and the Best Documentary Award at Tiburon International Film Festival.

- 1st
- February 13th to 17th, 1991
- 2nd
- April 21st to 25th, 1992
- 3rd
- January 23-27, 1993
- 4th
- February 11th to 15th, 1994
- 5th
- January 21st to 25th, 1995
- 6th
- December 6th to 10th, 1995
Hasan Pool
- 7th
- March 24th to 28th, 1996
- 8th
- September 18th to 22nd, 1996
- 9th
- January 22nd-26th, 1997
New Delhi
- 10th
- February 25th-28th, 1997
- 11th
- March 24th-27th, 1998
- 12th
- February 11th to 14th, 1999
- 13th
- 2000 March 2nd ~ 5th
- 14th
- January 20th to 23rd, 2001
- 15th
- February 14th to 17th, 2002
- 16th
- April 15th to 18th, 2004
- 17th
- October 20th to 23rd, 2005
- 18th
- January 18th to 21st, 2007

Enlightenment of Mahamandaleshwar by Recognizing achievement of Public Samadhi
In January 2007, recognizing her great achievement of Pubic Samadhi, she received the title of Mahamandaleshwar*, (the highest priest in Buddhism), from Juna Akhara, becoming the first woman to achieve this status.
*Mahamandaleshwar = Great Master of Universe
- After 50’s
- Activities for World Peace

Since 1992, she has undertaken many visits around the world including the US and Russia, to promote a World Peace Campaign; an activity to spread love and peace. She also contributes to international goodwill.
In Japan, she guides people’s development of consciousness in order to lead them to true happiness, as well as provides lectures, workshops and retreats.
Awards and Activities in the World

World Peace Mentor Award in India
On 11th May 2019, Yogmata was awarded World Peace Mentor at the Dadasaheb Phalke Film Foundation Awards, the highest film awards in India, in recognition of her contribution to World peace.

United Nation: Keynote Speech and Meditation Guide
As a guest of honor, Yogmata has made a speech and guided meditation, as a world leading Yoga and Meditation master, three times at the United Nations HQ and these were broadcast all over the world on UN TV
*20th June 2016: Yoga for the Achievement of Sustainable Development
*28th October 2016: International Conference of Yoga and Peace
*19th May 2017: Earth Day Celebration day

State Guest of Nepali Government in International Yoga Day
In June 2017, Yogmata was invited, as guest of honor by the Indian government, to participate in a ceremony for International Yoga Day, held at the Indian Embassy in Kathmandu, Nepal.

Courtesy Meeting with Prime Minister in India
In Marth 2016, Yogmata had a courtesy meeting with Narendra Damodardas Modi, prime minister of India, to pray for a long and lasting cordial relationship between India and Japan.

Courtesy Visit by Dignitaries from India
August 2000, had a courtesy visit from an ex-Indian prime minister, a chairman of the Indian congress and 20 congressional representatives.

Start Learning Meditation from Yogmata
Yogmata teaches Himalayan Siddha Meditation, which brings you peace within the fastest, enhances your life force and leads you to success.
So firstly, fulfill yourself and become happy. Then through sharing it with others around you, the peace will spread out and so lead to world peace.