How to reach Samadhi (enlightenment) while alive?

Thank you very much.

It is not possible to reach enlightenment without meeting a good master and practicing.
Even if you do your best, it’s not a technique, so you need a master’s blessing.
Of course, you still remember everything in the afterlife, so if you can evolve a lot in this life, transform your energy, and be reborn with it again, you can practice in the afterlife.
If you practice hard even now, your life will become richer, so please do it.
Yoga is booming right now, but even in America it’s almost physical yoga.
Even if you do physical yoga, you will be physically powerful, your energy will be stronger, and you will get some results, but you will have an ego of training, so you have to go beyond that.
That’s why I think it is necessary to practice awareness.
Without it, you would just train your body and be very beautiful, but you wouldn’t be able to balance yourself.
When it comes to training for concentration, the mind becomes stronger. Therefore, you have to practice to open it up by meditation.
Work is done with concentration, so you can succeed by accomplishing things if you concentrate very much, but on the other hand, you need to practice to deepen your awareness by meditating and opening up.
By doing so, you will be able to grow even more balanced and become a total person.
Therefore, in order to go fast, meeting a master who knows all about such things is a safe and reliable way.

I was learning yoga and I was wondering if it would be very difficult to realize and reach Samadhi while I was alive.
Can I be in that position in my life?
If I couldn’t get to that point in my life, would I have to start over?
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